feat(transform-cases): added text transform
- We need a drop-down on the main toolbar with 4 options: Upper Case, Lower Case, Sentence Case, Title Case.
- The default could be Transform
- The tool should be enabled when the selection is greater that 1 character
- Upper case should transform all selected text to Capital. Lower Case should transform all selected text to lower case. Sentence Case should transform the first letter of each word in the selection (if it's a character from a-z) to capital. For the title case, you can use a script I had in Wax 1 (https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax/blob/master/packages/wax-core/src/helpers/titleCase.js)
- All formating in the selection should be kept. sample text to transform. ex to upper case SAMPLE TEXT TO TRANSFORM (strong is preserved). If that proves tricky, we can tackle it in a later state.