Review, edit, and approve submission
Story description:
1.11 As a submitter I want to check everything I've uploaded
1.14 As a submitter I want to save my submission as I go, so that I can return to it later and don't lose my work
3.3 As a submitter or reviewer I want to edit the manuscript or uploaded files
3.4 As a submitter or reviewer I want to approve the uploaded manuscript and files, so that they can be submitted
3.9 As a submitter or reviewer I want to save my input and return to complete it later
Acceptance criteria:
- The page should show the manuscript preview (either an html page created by Ink from a word document, or a copy of the uploaded pdf) and summaries with links to edit all previous sections (Citation information, Manuscript files, Funding information)
- The "Manuscript files" summary should show the list of all files.
- Citation information with an unmatched journal should be flagged for the administrator, and the submission cannot continue to tagging until the journal is matched with one in the NLM catalog (usually because the admin has had it added)
- A form should be at the bottom with (distinct) agreement checkboxes for the submitter and reviewer, or with error suggestions for the admin/qa person to create an email.
#38 (closed) Develop review/edit screen (to be used by many user types) with manuscript preview and links to edit all previous sections -
#39 (closed) Develop approval form for submitter, reviewer, and admin -
#41 (closed) Manuscript preview component - add PDF preview -
#42 (closed) Manuscript preview - preview figures
Note: Integrate with communication tool when available
Edited by Audrey Hamelers