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Sprint 24

Adi Onofrei requested to merge develop into staging


  • Update the EQA package uploaded to MTS ftp, so that it contains info about reviewers and editors - started previous sprint, completed this sprint
  • Reviewer numbering
  • Reviewer sees reports from all reviewers after Author submits revision
  • Ability to revoke and assign another HE during the review process
  • 8 Bug fixes, 5 major - that were included in the release on Nov 19

Pubsweet & Technical:

  • Transition to Graph QL architecture: analysis and plan
  • small progress on Documentation for styleguide components
  • [pubsweeet] 'Country' field should allow user to enter text to find country easier than scrolling down - wip
  • Use custom icons instead of Feather library - wip
Edited by Adi Onofrei

Merge request reports