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Giannis Kopanas's avatar

Note: xpub is still very new. This repository contains an initial set of components but is not yet ready for use.


The major tasks we're planning to work on are the following:

  • Implement a future-proof theming setup. (#88)
  • Let users go through multiple rounds of review. (#50)
  • Implement roles and permissions. (#58)
  • Change the data model to account for the changes that have occured in pubsweet-server, as well as to make it easily portable to Postgres in the future. (#67)
  • Merge xpub's authentication, routing and navigation with pubsweet's. (#55 #89 #57)

You can follow more fine-grained lists of things that we're working on

  • Collabra for tasks related to xpub-collabra and
  • Xpub for more general xpub concerns


PubSweet components

  • component-app: a PubSweet component that provides an app container with nav bar and journal provider.
  • component-authentication: a PubSweet component that provides authentication-related client pages.
  • component-dashboard: a PubSweet component that provides a Dashboard page.
  • component-manuscript: a PubSweet component that provides a Manuscript page.
  • component-review: a PubSweet component that provides a Review page.
  • component-submit: a PubSweet component that provides a Submit page.

PubSweet applications

  • xpub-collabra: a PubSweet application that provides configuration and routing for a journal.

xpub packages

  • xpub-connect: a helper component for connecting pages to data
  • xpub-edit: WYSIWYG editors for use in xpub forms
  • xpub-journal: a helper that provides journal config to components
  • xpub-selectors: some useful redux selectors
  • xpub-styleguide: components for use in react-styleguidist
  • xpub-theme: fonts and styles for use in xpub applications
  • xpub-upload: a helper function for file uploading
  • xpub-validators: validator functions for use with redux-form


In the root directory, run yarn to install all the dependencies.


To enable manuscript conversion via INK, add the following values to packages/xpub-collabra/config/local-development.json (ask in the xpub channel if you need an account):

  "pubsweet-server": {
    "secret": "__EDIT_THIS__"
  "pubsweet-component-ink-backend": {
    "inkEndpoint": "__EDIT_THIS__",
    "email": "__EDIT_THIS__",
    "password": "__EDIT_THIS__"

Running the app

  1. cd packages/xpub-collabra
  2. The first time you run the app, initialise the database with yarn run setupdb (press Enter when asked for a collection title, to skip that step).
  3. yarn start


CI requires a Kubernetes cluster, resources for which can be found in pubsweet/infra. In order to set up a Kubernetes cluster (using AWS) you need to follow the instructions there. Templates for deploying to this cluster with pubsweet/deployer are located in xpub/deployment-config.


Join the Mattermost channel for discussion of xpub.