Enter funding information
Story description:
1.8 As a submitter I want to link the manuscript to a grant
1.10 As a submitter I want to specify the manuscript embargo period
1.12 As a submitter I want to assign a reviewer
Acceptance criteria:
- The user must be invited to search GRIST for grants and must select (check off) at least one.
- There must be a mechanism to remove grants selected in error.
- A dropdown to select an embargo date must be created based on the shortest funder embargo period (disabled until grant selected).
- A form to select a reviewer must be created based on grant PIs (disabled until grant selected).
- In accordance with story 1.5 ("As a sumbitter I want to understand where I am in the process"), the user interface should use the "Steps" UI component to show progress through all submission steps.
#26 (closed) Develop API for GRIST search with private key -
#27 (closed) Develop interface to search GRIST for grant information -
#28 (closed) Develop embargo date form based on grant funder data -
#29 (closed) Develop reviewer form based on grant PI data
Note: Integrate with communication tool when available
Edited by Audrey Hamelers