Note: xpub is still _very_ new. This repository contains an initial set of components but is not yet ready for use.
## Contents
* `component-app`: a PubSweet component that provides an app container with nav bar and journal provider.
* `component-authentication`: a PubSweet component that provides authentication-related client pages.
* `component-dashboard`: a PubSweet component that provides a Dashboard page.
* `component-manuscript`: a PubSweet component that provides a Manuscript page.
* `component-submit`: a PubSweet component that provides a Submit page.
## PubSweet applications
* `xpub-collabra`: a PubSweet application that provides configuration and routing for a journal.
## xpub packages
* `xpub-edit`: WYSIWYG editors for use in xpub forms
* `xpub-styleguide`: components for use in react-styleguidist
* `xpub-ui`: a library of user interface elements for use in PubSweet components.
## Installing
In the root directory, run `npm install` then `npm run bootstrap` to install all the dependencies.
Note: this monorepo uses Lerna, which works best with npm v4 when linking unpublished packages. Hoisting is not yet reliable, so each component has its own node_modules folder.
## Running the app
`cd packages/xpub-collabra && npm run start`
To enable manuscript conversion via INK, add the following values to `packages/xpub-collabra/` (ask in [the xpub channel]( if you need an account):
## Community
Join [the Mattermost channel]( for discussion of xpub.