### Invite a User to a Collection [POST]
This endpoint allows creates a new User, linking it to a Collection through a Team.
`POST /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations`
| URI Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
| ------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------ |
| collectionId | No | String | The ID of the collection |
#### Invite User Request Body
"email": "",
"role": "handlingEditor", [acceptedValues: handlingEditor, reviewer]
#### Invite User Response
"id": "7b2431af-210c-49f9-a69a-e19271066ebd",
"role": "handlingEditor",
"userId": "4c3f8ee1-785b-4adb-87b4-407a27f652c6",
"hasAnswer": false,
"invitedOn": 1525428890167,
"isAccepted": false,
"respondedOn": null
### Get Invitations [GET]
This endpoint allows you to get a list of invitations based on role.
#### Get Invitations Request
`GET /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations/:invitationId?role=:role`
| Query Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
| --------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
| invitationId | No | String | Invitation ID |
| role | Yes | String | The role to search for: handlingEditor, reviewer, author |
#### Get Invitations Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"name": "John Smith",
"invitedOn": 1525428890167,
"respondedOn": 1525428890299,
"email": "",
"status": "pending",
"invitationId": "1990881"
### Accept or Decline an Invitation [PATCH]
This endpoint allows you to accept or to decline an invitation.
#### Accept/Decline Request
`PATCH /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations/:invitationId`
| URI Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
| --------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
| invitationId | Yes | String | Invitation ID |
#### Accept/Decline Body
"isAccepted": false/true,
"reason": "I am not ready" [optional]
#### Accept/Decline Response
"id": "7b2431af-210c-49f9-a69a-e19271066ebd",
"role": "reviewer",
"userId": "4c3f8ee1-785b-4adb-87b4-407a27f652c6",
"hasAnswer": true,
"invitedOn": 1525428890167,
"isAccepted": false,
"respondedOn": 1525428890299
### Decline an Invitation Unauthenticated [PATCH]
This endpoint allows you to decline an invitation without authenticating.
#### Decline Request
`PATCH /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations/:invitationId/decline`
| URI Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
| --------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
| invitationId | Yes | String | Invitation ID |
#### Decline Body
"invitationToken": "f2d814f0-67a5-4590-ba4f-6a83565feb4f"
#### Decline Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
### Delete Invitation [DELETE]
This endpoint allows you to delete an invitation.
#### Delete Invitation Request
`DELETE /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations/:invitationId`
| Query Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
| --------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
| invitationId | Yes | String | Invitation ID |
#### Delete Invitation Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content