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Note: xpub is still very new. This repository contains an initial set of components but is not yet ready for use.


PubSweet components

  • component-app: a PubSweet component that provides an app container with nav bar and journal provider.
  • component-authentication: a PubSweet component that provides authentication-related client pages.
  • component-dashboard: a PubSweet component that provides a Dashboard page.
  • component-manuscript: a PubSweet component that provides a Manuscript page.
  • component-review: a PubSweet component that provides a Review page.
  • component-submit: a PubSweet component that provides a Submit page.

PubSweet applications

  • xpub-collabra: a PubSweet application that provides configuration and routing for a journal.

xpub packages

  • xpub-edit: WYSIWYG editors for use in xpub forms
  • xpub-fonts: fonts for use in xpub applications
  • xpub-journal: a helper that provides journal config to components
  • xpub-selectors: some useful redux selectors
  • xpub-styleguide: components for use in react-styleguidist
  • xpub-ui: a library of user interface elements for use in PubSweet components
  • xpub-upload: a helper function for file uploading


Run yarn config set workspaces-experimental true to enable yarn workspaces.

In the root directory, run yarn to install all the dependencies.


To enable manuscript conversion via INK, add the following values to packages/xpub-collabra/config/local-development.json (ask in the xpub channel if you need an account):

  "pubsweet-server": {
    "secret": "__EDIT_THIS__"
  "pubsweet-component-ink-backend": {
    "inkEndpoint": "__EDIT_THIS__",
    "email": "__EDIT_THIS__",
    "password": "__EDIT_THIS__"

Running the app

  1. cd packages/xpub-collabra
  2. The first time you run the app, initialise the database with yarn run setupdb (press Enter when asked for a collection title, to skip that step).
  3. yarn start


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