User Manager Component
Add Author to a Collection [POST]
This endpoint allows creates a new Author, linking it to a Collection through a Team.
Add Author Request
POST /api/collections/:collectionId/users
URI Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
collectionId | No | String | The ID of the collection |
Add Author Body
"email": "",
"role": "author", [acceptedValues: author],
"isSubmitting": true,
"isCorresponding": false
Add Author Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "a6184463-b17a-42f8-b02b-ae1d755cdc6b",
"type": "user",
"admin": false,
"email": "",
"teams": [
"username": "",
"fragments": [],
"collections": [],
"isConfirmed": false,
"editorInChief": false,
"handlingEditor": false,
"passwordResetToken": "04590a2b7f6c1f37cb84881d529e516fa6fc309c205a07f1341b2bfaa6f2b46c"
Get Collection Authors [GET]
This endpoint allows you to get a list of authors for a collection.
Get Collection Authors Request
GET /api/collections/:collectionId/users
Query Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
Get Collection Authors Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "a6184463-b17a-42f8-b02b-ae1d755cdc6b",
"type": "user",
"admin": false,
"email": "",
"teams": [
"username": "",
"fragments": [],
"collections": [],
"isConfirmed": false,
"editorInChief": false,
"handlingEditor": false,
"passwordResetToken": "04590a2b7f6c1f37cb84881d529e516fa6fc309c205a07f1341b2bfaa6f2b46c",
"isSubmitting": true,
"isCorresponding": false,
"id": "a6184463-b17a-42f8-b02b-ae1d755cdc6b",
"type": "user",
"admin": false,
"email": "",
"teams": [
"username": "",
"fragments": [],
"collections": [],
"isConfirmed": true,
"editorInChief": false,
"handlingEditor": false,
"isSubmitting": false,
"isCorresponding": false,
Update Author [PATCH]
This endpoint allows you to update an author's data.
Update Author Request
PATCH /api/collections/:collectionId/invitations/:invitationId
URI Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
userId | Yes | String | User ID |
Update Author Body
"isSubmitting": false,
"isCorresponding": true,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"affiliation": "UCLA"
Update Author Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "7e8a77f9-8e5c-4fa3-b717-8df9932df128",
"type": "collection",
"owners": [
"id": "69ac1ee9-08a8-4ee6-a57c-c6c8be8d3c4f",
"username": "admin"
"authors": [
"userId": "a6184463-b17a-42f8-b02b-ae1d755cdc6b",
"isSubmitting": false,
"isCorresponding": true
"created": 1522829424474,
"customId": "9424466",
"fragments": [
"invitations": [
"id": "9043a836-0d49-4b8d-be0b-df39071b5c57",
"hasAnswer": false,
"timestamp": 1522831123430,
"isAccepted": false
Delete Author [DELETE]
This endpoint allows you to delete an author from a collection.
Delete Author Request
DELETE /api/collections/:collectionId/users/:userId
Query Parameter | Requiered | Requirements | Description |
collectionId | Yes | String | Collection ID |
userId | Yes | String | User ID |
Delete Author Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Reset Password [POST]
This endpoint allows you to reset your password.
Reset Password Request
POST /api/users/reset-password
Reset Password Body
"email": "",
"token": "123123123",
"password": "password",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"affiliation": "UCLA",
"title": "Mr"
Reset Password Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "a6184463-b17a-42f8-b02b-ae1d755cdc6b",
"type": "user",
"admin": false,
"email": "",
"teams": [],
"username": "",
"fragments": [],
"collections": [],
"isConfirmed": true,
"editorInChief": false,
"handlingEditor": false