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Email Templating


The email-templating component contains an Email class with two main instance methods: getNotificationBody for retrieving the email body (html and text) and sendEmail for sending the email using the send-email component from PubSweet.

  1. getNotificationBody({ emailBodyProps = {} ) accepts one parameter object with should contain the following properties:
    • paragraph: the main text part of the email body which informs the recipient
    • hasLink: a boolean which indicates if the email body contains a CTA (big button) or not
    • hasIntro: a boolean which indicates if the email body contains the "Dear Dr. John" introduction or not.
    • hasSignature: a boolean which indicates if the email body contains a typical "Kind regards," signature or not This function returns the HTML and text parts of the email which can then be used to send it.
  2. sendEmail({ text, html }):
    • accepts the text and HTML parts of an email and then uses the send-email component from PubSweet to actually send the email.

The Email class also provides a constructor whose properties will be used when sending the email:

  1. type: a String that can be either user or system which can be used in the unsubscribe process
  2. fromEmail: a String indicating the from name and from email address: Coko <>
  3. toUser: an Object with two properties: email and name. The name property will be used when addressing the recipient in the email content - for example: "Dear Dr. Rachel Smith".
  4. content: an Object which contains properties about the email:
    1. subject
    2. signatureName - the name which will appear in the signature
    3. ctaLink - the URL which will be placed in the button
    4. ctaText - the text which appears on the button
    5. unsubscribeLink
    6. signatureJournal - the journal or company name which will appear in the signature


  1. Config

    In order to use this component, you need the to add the following data in your main config file:

      journal: {
        name: 'Coko Foundation',
        staffEmail: 'Coko <>',
        logo: '',
        ctaColor: '#EE2B77', // the color of the email button
        logoLink: '',
        publisher: 'Coko Foundation', // this will appear in the email footer
        privacy: '', // a text containing information about the privacy policy that will appear in the email footer
        address: '2973 16th St., Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94103', // the address in the footer
  2. Dependencies

  3. Notifications

    These are the most basic emails, which contain at least a piece of text, called a paragraph, and may or may not contain an intro, an action button and a signature.


    const EmailTemplate = require('@pubsweet/component-email-template')
    const config = require('config')
    const { name: journalName, fromEmail: staffEmail } = config.get('journal')
    const paragraph = `We are please to inform you that the manuscript has passed the technical check process and is now submitted. Please click the link below to access the manuscript.`
    const sendNotifications = ({ user, editor, collection, fragment }) => {
      const email = new EmailTemplate({
        type: 'user',
        toUser: {
          name: `${user.lastName}`,
        content: {
          ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
          signatureJournal: journalName,
          signatureName: `${}`,
          subject: `${collection.customId}: Manuscript Update`,
          unsubscribeLink: `http://localhost:3000/unsubscribe/${}`,
          ctaLink: `http://localhost:3000/projects/${}/versions/${
        bodyProps: {
          hasLink: true,
          hasIntro: true,
          hasSignature: true }
      return email.sendEmail()
  4. Reviewer Invitation This email template is specific to Hindawi and it requires some data that might not be available in other PubSweet apps.
